miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017


(Book of Anubis)
By Bill duvendack

While a Popular deity, there is really very little known about Anubis, as the Greeks called him. Often
and increasingly relegated to a minor role in the Egyptian mythos, Anubis was actually so much more than a helper to Isis. He was the original god od the dead, and the central figure in the predynastic epoch. Often times he is misunderstood or considered to be something he is not. This tome will take a detailed look at him, his history, related characters, and magical tools and practices that correspond to him. it will also take a look at the many masks of death gods in various cultures to see how they related back to him. This is the most extensive look at Anubis that has been published to date.

Limited to 11 copies only.
comes if pure Leather and black stamped art in front. includes a bronze and bath gold talisman
price: 250 us included registered shipping post via fedex!!

Info: kerval111@gmail.com

SAT EN ANPU (Book of Anubis)

(Book of Anubis)
Bill Duvendack

While a Popular deity, there is really very little known about Anubis, as the Greeks called him. Often
and increasingly relegated to a minor role in the Egyptian mythos, Anubis was actually so much more than a helper to Isis. He was the original god od the dead, and the central figure in the predynastic epoch.  Often times he is misunderstood or considered to be something he is not. This tome will take a detailed look at him, his history, related characters, and magical tools and practices that correspond to him. it will also take a look at the many masks of death gods in various cultures to see how they related back to him. This is the most extensive look at Anubis that has been published to date.

Standard edition limited to 49 copies only. including a wood altar piece 
sold out

lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017

NOXOBNIA Femiinine deities in Left Hand Path

Feminine Deities in Left Hand Path

NOX*OB*NIA emerges from the conjunction of the words NOX=Night, OB= indicating the essence of Lunar current, NIA = the secret gateway or womb which opens the gates to B universe.This Anthology examines in a deep way, the occult context from an Historical, antropological and personal gnosis through diverse essays the contemplation of the role of Femenine deities in traditional and contemporary praxis focused into Left Hand Path traditions. Its symbolism and methods of working through extended material from diverse authors congregating essays, poetry, images, rituals into an explorative path focused to chanelize the femenine lunar current. Through this grimoire the adept understand the concepts of divine initiation through the powerful archetypes of dark goddesses with the purpose to awaken the power within in order to open the gateways of the soul to the influx of lunar current veiled by Femenine deities in diverse magickal traditions.

"I Am The Serpent and Seed of the Forbidden Garden"

Asenath Mason "Triple Moon Goddess"
                                                   Linda Falorio ""Emme Ya Planet of Women "
Veronica Rivas "Kurukulla: The Wrathful Queen of Uddiyana"
Abby Helasdottir "From the Inner Eggs, the Howling Darkness and the Black Water:
Ruha as multifaceted goddess in Mandaean cosmology
Madeleine Ledespencer "The Lamina and the persistence of the Vampiric Feminine"
Stephanie Connolly Reisner "The Crucible of Seshat"
lukasz Grochocki "Echoes from the Dream Forest." 
ljóssál loðursson "Hel, the Þursian Queen of Death"
Sean Woodward "Going to Callenish
Bill Duvendack "Birth of A New Goddess"
Thomas Karlsson "The Poem to Peorð: Invocation to Hel"
Asbjorn Torvol "The Valkyrja:The Daughters of War"
Humberto Maggi "The Kabbalistic Lilith"
J.A Perez "Matter Carissima"
Fr.Arzaq "Xtabay,The goddess of the hanged"
Edgar Kerval "Maman Brigitte: Vodou Goddess of The Dead"

Art from :
Amanda Macneil
Sarah-Jayne Farrer
Roberto Milusic Migliussi
Chris Undirheimar 

Strictly Limited to 111 copies
Hard cover including colorful plates
first 33 coming with 4 print cards with the art of
Chris Undirheimar and "Vodou godess of the dead" Cd
Cost $ 85 us including registered shipping post

Deluxe Editions Coming later

Pre-orders taken now
Official date of publication
January 2018

info & Paypal