miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017


(Book of Anubis)
By Bill duvendack

While a Popular deity, there is really very little known about Anubis, as the Greeks called him. Often
and increasingly relegated to a minor role in the Egyptian mythos, Anubis was actually so much more than a helper to Isis. He was the original god od the dead, and the central figure in the predynastic epoch. Often times he is misunderstood or considered to be something he is not. This tome will take a detailed look at him, his history, related characters, and magical tools and practices that correspond to him. it will also take a look at the many masks of death gods in various cultures to see how they related back to him. This is the most extensive look at Anubis that has been published to date.

Limited to 11 copies only.
comes if pure Leather and black stamped art in front. includes a bronze and bath gold talisman
price: 250 us included registered shipping post via fedex!!

Info: kerval111@gmail.com

SAT EN ANPU (Book of Anubis)

(Book of Anubis)
Bill Duvendack

While a Popular deity, there is really very little known about Anubis, as the Greeks called him. Often
and increasingly relegated to a minor role in the Egyptian mythos, Anubis was actually so much more than a helper to Isis. He was the original god od the dead, and the central figure in the predynastic epoch.  Often times he is misunderstood or considered to be something he is not. This tome will take a detailed look at him, his history, related characters, and magical tools and practices that correspond to him. it will also take a look at the many masks of death gods in various cultures to see how they related back to him. This is the most extensive look at Anubis that has been published to date.

Standard edition limited to 49 copies only. including a wood altar piece 
sold out

lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017

NOXOBNIA Femiinine deities in Left Hand Path

Feminine Deities in Left Hand Path

NOX*OB*NIA emerges from the conjunction of the words NOX=Night, OB= indicating the essence of Lunar current, NIA = the secret gateway or womb which opens the gates to B universe.This Anthology examines in a deep way, the occult context from an Historical, antropological and personal gnosis through diverse essays the contemplation of the role of Femenine deities in traditional and contemporary praxis focused into Left Hand Path traditions. Its symbolism and methods of working through extended material from diverse authors congregating essays, poetry, images, rituals into an explorative path focused to chanelize the femenine lunar current. Through this grimoire the adept understand the concepts of divine initiation through the powerful archetypes of dark goddesses with the purpose to awaken the power within in order to open the gateways of the soul to the influx of lunar current veiled by Femenine deities in diverse magickal traditions.

"I Am The Serpent and Seed of the Forbidden Garden"

Asenath Mason "Triple Moon Goddess"
                                                   Linda Falorio ""Emme Ya Planet of Women "
Veronica Rivas "Kurukulla: The Wrathful Queen of Uddiyana"
Abby Helasdottir "From the Inner Eggs, the Howling Darkness and the Black Water:
Ruha as multifaceted goddess in Mandaean cosmology
Madeleine Ledespencer "The Lamina and the persistence of the Vampiric Feminine"
Stephanie Connolly Reisner "The Crucible of Seshat"
lukasz Grochocki "Echoes from the Dream Forest." 
ljóssál loðursson "Hel, the Þursian Queen of Death"
Sean Woodward "Going to Callenish
Bill Duvendack "Birth of A New Goddess"
Thomas Karlsson "The Poem to Peorð: Invocation to Hel"
Asbjorn Torvol "The Valkyrja:The Daughters of War"
Humberto Maggi "The Kabbalistic Lilith"
J.A Perez "Matter Carissima"
Fr.Arzaq "Xtabay,The goddess of the hanged"
Edgar Kerval "Maman Brigitte: Vodou Goddess of The Dead"

Art from :
Amanda Macneil
Sarah-Jayne Farrer
Roberto Milusic Migliussi
Chris Undirheimar 

Strictly Limited to 111 copies
Hard cover including colorful plates
first 33 coming with 4 print cards with the art of
Chris Undirheimar and "Vodou godess of the dead" Cd
Cost $ 85 us including registered shipping post

Deluxe Editions Coming later

Pre-orders taken now
Official date of publication
January 2018

info & Paypal

viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017

Qliphotic Worlds "Parables of the Darkly Divine"

Qliphotic Worlds
"Parables of the Darkly Divine"

By Cort Williams

Within this tome of Dark Gnosticism, Cort Williams reveals the ever-winding ways of Qliphothic mysticism.
Through this grimoire you shall find several aphorisms pertaining to the madness and pleasures that can ravage the initiate in their personal walking of the nightside tree. New interpretations and explorations of the often misunderstood Tunnels of Set. Various essays collected from over ten years of experience in channeling the Qliphothic forces.The Grimoire includes sigils from Edgar kerval and Kaela in colorful plates. 

Standard Edition Strictly limited to 33 hand numered copies, all of them includes a wood piece with KURGASIAX sigil.

Price $ 90 us (including registered shipping post)

Deluxe Edition limited to 11 copies, comes with an original oil painting by Kaela
Price $ 250 us (including registered shipping post)


Qliphotic Aphorisms
The Qliphotic Tunnels
The Order of the Ebon Spire, Or the Black Adept As An Empire Unto Hirself
The Qliphoth and the Cthulhu Mythos: Parallels
An Approach to Working With the Qliphothic Forces
Golachab and Gasheklah
Qliphoth in a Nut(shell)
Meditations on the Black Adept
Cain, the Serpent, and the Womb of the Earth
The Temple-Fortress of the Black Magus
Meditations on the Tower in the context of the Black Adept
The Tower, the Black Brother, and Love-in-Separation
The Icy Meon
Titanic Satanism
Nahemoth and Smithcraft
Black Magic and Satanism

Info & Paypal

jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017


"The Keys of DeathBringer, and the Waters of No Return" 
This grimoire is an in-depth voyage to the waters of death, moving from anthropological to psychological and to the most hidden roots. Focused on the deep study, Praxis and development of the patron of death, death deities, and necromantic rituals. It also contains Necrosophic and Qayanite traditions in its most explorative forms. This anthology offers a unique amalgamation of contributors,each offering all of their knowledge within the pages. The third volume in a series of grimoires that will open a pathway of instruction to powerfull fetish rituals, death devotional chants, and invocations dedicated to death deities, necromancy and in depth explorations and its transgressive nature veiled through knowledge. 

The grimoire includes full colour plates of Artists such as Matt Baldtwin - Ives, Kaela, Sean Woodward,Itan celebrimbor..
Also the first 33 copies comes with a bone talisman.
Price $ 85 Us (including Registered shipping Post)

Deluxe Edition comes in full Goatskin leather and includes a mala with the sigil of the arcana of deathbringer in bone. and also a bone talisman.
Price $ 250 us (including Registered shipping Post)

Info & Paypal :  kerval111@gmail.com

*Death Spirits, Their Laws and Protocols - ljossal lodursson
*Hecate: the Psychopomp - Asenath Mason
*Necromancy in Draconian Egypt, a Perspective - Bill duvendack
*Sacred and Profane : The erotic touch of  Death in Mesoamerican cosmovision - Veronica Rivas
*Of Sword & Wand :Homeric Contributions for the Art of Necromancy
*Till Death do I Part - J.A Perez
*The Vampyre Lords of the Dead - Sean Woodward
*Necromantia Daemoniacus: To Honor Bune - Stephanie Connolly Reisner
*The Masks of Death - her importance in the world's vision and in the magickal practices -by Leonard Dewar
*Hels Veil: Peering into Helhiem - by Asbjorn Torvol
*A ritual Necromantique - by Nikolai Saunders
*The Corpse Priestesses of Shub-Niggurath... -by Necro Magickal
*The Magickal Use of Tobbaco in San La Muerte Cultus - by Edgar Kerval
The Bone River Working - Lukasz Grochocki

lunes, 31 de julio de 2017


Ravens Of The Burning God
S.Ben Qayin & Edgar Kerval

The Grimoire reveals a basic introductory path of the qlipha A'rab Zaraq exploring the gnosis of the arcanum of the Raven of death symbolizing the soul of the adept flying to self–liberation, leading to total ecstasy, breaking the dualities of reason and madness, life and death in an alchemical transformation in which the adept transcends reality using the psychic abilities as weapons, developing hidden faculties through the sacred wisdom under the gnosis of the raven of dispersion. The grimoire includes diverse ritual practices from pathworkings and invocations into aetheric explorations of the formula of Putrefaction-Death-Decomposition.This is a gradual process of learning diverse path workings,self-divinity mastery and self-understanding on all levels.

Halahel Edition
Comes limited to 111 hand numered copies
Black faux leather with sigil in silver
Includes a ritual music cd with invocations by S.Ben Qayin & Edgar Kerval
4 print cards 
Price : $ 100 US. (Including registered shipping post)

Ba’el-A’arab-Zaraq Edition
Comes limited to 22 hand numered copies
Black goat skin leather with sigil in red
Includes a ritual music cd with invocations by S.Ben Qayin & Edgar Kerval
4 print cards
Consecrated talisman with the sigil of A'rab zaraq in Bronce
Price: $ 200 US (Including registered shipping post)

Both editions comes with full color visual art by Sean Woodward, Kaela, Amanda Sipes, Matt Baldwin-Ives, Jonathan Nicosia and N.N

Table of Contents

* Preface by Asenath Mason
* Introduction
* Into the Sitra Ahra
* Getzphiel; The Burning God
* The Invocation of Getzphiel
* The Ravens of Dispersion; Wrath of the Unkindness 
* Rite of The Ravenous Ravens
* The Ravens of Devouring Death
* Ba’el-A’arab-Zaraq; King of Hell, Lord of Darkness
* The Raising of Ba’el-A’arab-Zaraq
* Halahel; Unholy Darkness with the Eyes of an Angel
* The Conjuration of Halahel
*Final Word: The Sphere of Uncontrolled Intent
* Through The Claws of Eternity
* The fetish Totem of Arab Zaraq (Consecration Rite)
* The Negativity of Netzach and Darkside of Venus
* The Sanctuary of the Raven's flesh (Invocation)
*The obsidian Gate and the Nigredo Phase
* Assumption Of The Mask of Arab Zaraq (Pathworking Ritual)
* Theriomorphic shadow of Baa'l I Zaraq
* The Averse Eye of Qayin 'A' Zaraq ( The Rite of the Bone Cross)
* Explorations of Tunnels of Niantiel & Kurgasiax

Paypal & info

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

                                                                Aetheric Atavisms
                                                                          Vol VI
                                          LIFTOACH ISH 'A' GAMALIEL
                                      "The Mysteries of Lunar Magick 
                                         Sacred Sexuality"

 The hidden arcanum and atavistic totemic masks of the qlipha gamaliel, enter us into an exposition of praxis and gnosis of the darkside of yesod, via exploration of obscure dreams to focus the forbidden and sacred sexuality and its respective rituals of blood, via lunar magick and oneiric transmssions.
Through this grimoire the adpet reach an understanding of the structures of instincts and experience the use of blood, libations in magickal operations.

The grimoire comes limited to 111 copies and comes with ritual musik cd by Sean Woodward,Emme ya and Ia~Mt~Hi~Ng the first 33 comes with especial Ish 'A' Gamaliel insence + 5 print altar cards

The grimoire cost $ 75 us including registered shipping cost worldwide comes with full colorful art plates with the art of Sean woodward, Matt Baldwin-Ives, Magick Kazim,Joakim Siegers and Phil Abraham.

The deluxe edition is limited to 11 hand nu,ered copies comes with full goatskin leather Black and white and includes a silver & bronxe necklace.
Cost $ 250 us including registered shipping post


*Introduction (Asenath Mason)
*Witchraft and The Darkside of Yesod
*Menstrual Blood and Its Connections with Death & Fertility
*Sexual Dreaming (Pathworking Rite)
*Translucid Dreaming of Ish 'A' Gamaliel
*Through the Serpent's Mouth (Astral Temple of Gamaliel)
*Evoking Ish 'A' Gamaliel (Lunar Current Explorations)
*The Threefold Gate (Naamah, Lilith, Gamaliel)
*The hidden vulva Ish 'A' Gamaliel
*The mirror of Rafliflu
*invocation of  Ish 'A' Gamaliel
*The mysterious Gate of Saksaksalim
*Conjuration through the eye of Tzuflifu (Dreamworking rite)

Info & paypal 

QLIPHOTH Ars Nigrum Draconis OPUS VI

Ars Nigrum Draconis
Opus VI
Qliphoth journal is a grimoire focusing the diverse paths of magick in its entire splendor. Our main focus is to cross the paths of knowledge via praxis, ritual and gnosis. For opus VI "Ars Nigrum Draconis" we developed part of the gnosis of the mouth of the dragon focusing diverse paths into the left hand path sorcery though diverse essays, musick, visuals and rituals. 

 "Ars Nigrum Draconis"
Including approx 130 pages in 90 grms quality paper

Black faux leather, black end papers, golden Art on the cover by Asenath Mason. Also a ritual musick cd to complement the grimoire.

the first 33 copies comes with a mala with the mala of Thaumiel Cost $ 60 us (15 us shipping post worldwide)

info and paypal


*Evocation of the Heralds of Light - Nikolai Saunders
*Nephthys - Darkness and Sacrifice -Asenath Mason
*A'arab Zaraq : Under The Shadow of Dispersion - Leonard Dewar
*Using Our Ordinary Senses in Evocation -Bo Headland
*The Eye of Kal Thalin - Sean woodward
*A Carpathian Working -Lukasz Grochocky
*The Cyber Vampire;Feeding Within The Consensual Reality Matrix -S Ben Qayin
*The Dark Witcheries of Keziah Mason - Nekromagickal
*Shub-Niggurath Necromancies -Nekromagickal
*A Prayer to Kain - Matthew Wightman
*Rite of The Three Norns -Darren Taylor
*The Son of Belial - Jose Perez
*The Transplutonian Rite of Shalicu -Edgar Kerval
*Gargophias: Atavisms from the shadows -Edgar Kerval

ART by
Amanda Sipes
Barry James Lent
Mitchell Nolte
Sean woodward
Bathory Legion
Matt Baldwin -Ives
Anderson Silva

Ritual Musik Cd
Sean Woodward
Bathory Legion
Emme Ya
The Red Angle

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017


"Ars Nigrum Draconis"

Qliphoth journal is a grimoire focusing the diverse paths of magick in its entire splendor. Our main focus is to cross the paths of knowledge via praxis, ritual and gnosis. For opus VI "Ars Nigrum Draconis" we developed part of the gnosis of the mouth of the dragon focusing diverse paths into the left hand path sorcery though diverse essays, musick, visuals and rituals.

Including approx 130 pages in 120 grms quality paper
Black faux leather,silver end papers,silver Art on the cover by Asenath Mason. Also a ritual musick cd to complement the grimoire.
the first 33 copies comes with a mala with the sigil of Thaumiel
Cost $ 60 us (15 us shipping post worldwide)
info and paypal

*The Invocation of The Heralds of Dawn and Dusk - Nikolai Saunders
*Nephthys - Darkness and Sacrifice -Asenath Mason
*A'arab Zaraq : Under The Shadow of Dispersion - Leonard Dewar
*Using Our Ordinary Senses in Evocation -Bo Headland
*The Eye of Kal Thalin - Sean woodward
*A Carpathian Working -Lukasz Grochocky
*The Cyber Vampire;Feeding Within The Consensual Reality Matrix -S Ben Qayin
*The Dark Witcheries of Keziah Mason - Nekromagickal
*Shub-Niggurath Necromancies -Nekromagickal
*A Prayer to Kain - Matthew Wightman
*Rite of The Three Norns -Darren Taylor
*The Son of Belial - Jose Perez
*The Transplutonian Rite of Shalicu -Edgar Kerval
*Gargophias: Atavisms from the shadows -Edgar Kerval

Amanda Sipes
Barry James Lent
Mitchell Nolte
Sean woodward
Bathory Legion
Matt Baldwin -Ives
Anderson Silva

Ritual Musik Cd
Sean Woodward
Bathory Legion
Emme Ya
The Red Angle