jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019

:VENERATION: "Nordic Shamanism & Necromancy"


"Nordic Shamanism & Necromancy"
By Raven Stronghold

A powerful grimoire that examines widely, the development of the Scandinavian shamanic cult and its connection with the cult of the dead. An academic work based on diverse sources, and exploring the way to the Nordic underworld and its slopes that explore the paths of hel and the Underworlds connected to each other, this is the result of a deep study and analysis with years of work. in a sole and unique grimoire.

Standard edition limited to 22 hand numered copies Sold out
Deluxe edition Limited to 11 hand numered copies just few copies via Miskatonic books
includes a rune Necklace and Insence

Consciousness and the Nature of Inner Reality
Exploring the Underworld
Sacred Stones, Cremation & Burials
The Nine Worlds
Talking With the Dead
Into Dead's kingdom
The Halls of Death
The Seidr Path

for information : 

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