martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

"Apsinthion" pro cdr 2015

Abby Helasdottir and Edgar Kerval works during a time to bring forth,this great piece,based in diverse deep atmospheres,percussive sounds and voices in order to create 9 ritual ambient compositions through 73 minutes. The album comes in a A3 cover design and colorful mini poster

Title tracks

01-We Shall Ascend The Stair

02-Dissolution in the Arms of Hekate

03-Seven Times I Rap Upon The Door

04-Apsinthion - Descending Through The Red Labyrinth

05-Apsinthion - Wormwood Star Descending

06-Apsinthion -  The Lunar Mirrors of Suicide

07-Apsinthion -  Dark Star

08-Apsinthion -  Self-Divine Androgyne

09-Apsinthion -  Wormwood Star Ascending

Price 10 us and 5 us (shipping post worldwide)

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